The Life Dream Archive

This is the archive of posts from my original blog “The Life Dream,” that started it all. :) Posts are from 2013-2015.

Starting a new week

It's been such a nice Easter, I actually had some time to do a little art on eggs. I do not get much time to just do art for art's sake these days. It's a very peaceful, mindful practice. I hope you had a lovely holiday. One thing I am going…
like the ceiling can't hold us

Like the Ceiling Can’t Hold Us

I need a little pick up today...and this song came on Pandora. I <3 Macklemore.  Hope you enjoy:

This Moment – It’s all we have now

Today I watched my infant son for the first time in about 10 years. I'm in the process of converting old home videos over to DVD. Today I received a couple of my converted DVDs and I watched nearly 4 hours of home video this afternoon.  From…
seeds of change

Planting Seeds of Change

A nicer home, a better job, good health, more money - we all have something(s) we want. It's important to focus on your goal so you can achieve it, but sometimes you need to step back & see things from a more open perspective.  If you are…
when things are too much

When it gets to be too much

I am not gonna lie, it's been a rough week for me, but as someone I love reminded me today "There’s a fire that is kindled within you when you commit to following your dreams and it challenges you in ways you never thought of." When he repeated…
discover your life's purpose

Discover Your Life’s Purpose in 20 minutes

  I came across this exercise a while back and tried it.  It worked for me, in a big picture sense, and I was shocked.  You should try it!  At the very least it's a good exercise in gaining some insight into what you really want. Oh…
case of the mondays

Somebody’s got a Case of the Mondays

How was your Monday? It's that dreaded day of the week for many.  When my business used to be my sole form of work (before adding two jobs to make ends meet, more recently) I never really didn't fear Monday.  I looked forward to starting…
newport house

Change your mind

When I was in my early twenties a friend started a spark in my brain that changed my perspective on what was possible.  At the time I was married to the wrong person, had two small children and we weren't even really making ends meet.  I had…
Buddha peace

Space to be

It's a busy life, but I try to carve out a little time each week for just me and a little open space.  Whether its a park or a nature preserve I need a little time to myself.  This is so essential to me.  When I don't get it I start to wind…
good friends

Good Friends

We had a wonderful last minute dinner tonight with good friends. Amongst margaritas & yummy food we caught up on the last few months. These are the type of friends that you may be 'too busy' to catch up with for a few months, but that…