Guerrilla Gardening

guerrilla gardening

What if you became a guerrilla gardener, but instead of flowers or grass you plant joy, hope and healing?guerrilla gardeners dumpster

Guerrilla Gardening can be a peaceful protest, a stand for beliefs, and a way to build community.  In urban areas, green-thumbed passionates plant flowers, shurbs or grass to, at the least, make a statement and, even more, foster community cause.  From revitalizing abandoned areas to creating new space for community grown food, Guerrilla Gardening is changing urban life, one  patch at a time.  These rebel gardeners plant in dumpsters, abandoned lots, places that used  to be a blight, a depressive reminder of hopelessness and despair.  More than just beauty or a harvest of food these gardens remind us that hope still exists, even amongst gray harsh concrete,  cold rusted metal and the discarded remains of human use and neglect.

What if we, who believe in the power of our dreams, start acting as Guerrilla Gardeners of hope?  Instead of following the norm, imagine planting seeds of confidence, cultivating joy and hope, harvesting changes of mind, inspiration.  Like flowers that blossom with water, care and fertilizer, so gardeners of the spirit can help people bloom in the most unlikely of places – right where they are.  In spite of hopeless times, harsh environments and the never ending over-stimulation of media, there is hope for a fulfilled life.  It doesn’t just lie in what we want to achieve, but rather it is there all along, latent as a seed waiting to germinate,  in our natural state (notice “nature” in that word), a reminder of who we are meant to be.

I truly believe as we free ourselves from the bonds of fear and negativity, as we give ourselves permission to shine as we were meant to, we unconsciously inspire others  to do the same.  I want to be a Guerrilla Gardener, planting the seeds of hope, courage, wisdom and love in as many seemingly hopeless, fearful and abandoned places as possible.  It starts with my own neglected spaces.  Tending my own garden first will give me the tools to help other’s hope flourish.

guerrilla gardening of hope

To inspire you to think about places you might be a gardener of hope, check out this lovely article from Good, about Guerrilla Gardening: