You have this dream for a reason.

So, let’s create a plan for your success!

Andrea Guevara

You have this dream for a reason.

So, let’s create a plan for your success!

Andrea Guevara

Author Brand Strategy, Development, & Consulting

Watch this client Author Brand Case Study, with Bridget Crocker:

Great author branding gives you the structure and strategy to be successful. We all know the publishing industry has changed but few know how to adapt. Let’s work together to create the step-by-step plans you need to actually make those big dreams a reality.

When you take the time to consciously create your author brand you set yourself up for long-term success, more book sales (& better book deals), and more control over your work and income.

“Working with Andrea is a fantastic experience. She brings the perfect balance of strong expertise and insight and an intuitive, client-centered approach.”

“Andrea Guevera has been a genius at helping me–a first time author–create a branding strategy. She showed me how to enhance my value as an author and  highlighted what made me and my book unique, and she’s even given me a bigger vision of my future as a writer…”

Andrea is amazing at understanding your message and audience, and pulling together all the disparate ideas in your head into a cohesive package. It’s so nice to have a website that I’m proud to send people to and that I know makes me look like the professional I’m aspiring to be.”

Erika Schickel

One of the smartest things I have ever done professionally was to hire Andrea Guevara in advance of the release of my book, The Big Hurt.”


Andrea Guevara, author brand strategist leaning on stacks of books at a bookstoreWho is this “Andrea?”

Hello, and welcome to my website. Remember when that was a standard greeting on websites back in the day? Maybe that dates me, but I did start learning web design waaay back in the early 2000’s.

Professionally, I’m an author brand strategy expert, writer, and entrepreneur. (Okay and teacher, speaker, etc.)

Personally, I built my career while raising two kids a single mom (they’re adults now). I started real young 😉 I used to call my life Murphy’s Life because well, it felt like everything that could go wrong always did. I’ve had to fight tooth-and-nail for just about every success in my life, but I always knew I could turn it into something important once I finally had more than a moment to breathe. Now, I’ve made it my mission to help women and other folks marginalized by our culture to pursue their dreams and understand what makes them each so intrinsically awesome.

Learn a bit more about me on my good ol’ About page.

There are really only two ways to become a successful author: wait and hope for your book to hit the bestseller lottery, or create a strategic plan to build your career.

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That tension between what you want and how life keeps getting the way can be brutal. As a single mom entrepreneur, I’ve been there so many times. Think of these tools as a resource to awakening your deepest and most powerful self, even in the midst of everyday life’s shitstorms.

Find tools, insights, and perspectives based on real-life experience, science-based research, collected wisdom, and even a sprinkle of spiritual perspectives.

This is a place you can go when you’re excited and motivated or when you feel beaten down and don’t even know how you’ll make it through the day. Either way, we got this.

© Copyright - Andrea Guevara and The Brand Strength Co, All Rights Reserved. Andrea Guevara's head shots by Blue Sky's Studio.