
Why do we resist that which is good for us? How is it that I so don’t feel like getting up early on a Saturday morning to go work out when I know that it’s good for me? And yet, once I’m done working out I’m so glad I did it.  It’s human nature, but I can’t help wondering why.

You feel so good when you’re done working out or have finished that project. So why do you loathe the idea of doing it in the first place?

It’s the same with our dreams, sure we want the result but sometimes we have to force ourselves to take the necessary steps to achieve success. (sometimes over and over again)  My boyfriend suggests a change in perspective – re framing how we look at the task at hand, to remind ourselves of the rewards that outweigh the pain.

“Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”   ― Plato

What discomfort will we endure now to gain a better payoff later?

Or what pleasure (or comfort) will we indulge now at the cost of a dream being fulfilled?

Lemme tell ya, I’m firmly in the discomfort-zone right now, but I’m keeping the faith, this is gonna pay off (& it already is).

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