
4 Big Takeaways from Alt Summit 2019

I just got back from nearly a full week in Palm Springs and boy let me tell ya, I feel like a new woman. Or maybe more like the same woman, but more deeply grounded in my mission and power. Whew, it literally sat down this morning and listed all of the factors that led to this glorious feeling: 85 degree weather, AMAZING powerful, motivated women everywhere, connecting with friends, teaching what I know and helping other women grab ahold of their clarity and power, a swanky hotel room to myself, a cool Palm Springs vibe, etc.

If you’ve known me for a bit, you know the past six months have kind of been a gauntlet of devastating personal losses: a big breakup, my son’s accident, my mother’s sickness and then death, along with multiple other life plan disruptions. It’s been a daily struggle to stay motivated like I normally would. Grief is a vicious all-encompassing bitch, who tears away everything that doesn’t matter, but damned if she isn’t also a mind-blowing teacher. Anyway, this week I felt a break from that grief chokehold. Or maybe, like I was finally embracing her and beginning to learn what I need from her.

In any case, I feel like a better version of myself. There was this peace and power all week. And a deep sense of fulfillment.

But enough about me, what I want to share are the biggest takeaways that kept coming up over and over throughout the week, in nearly every conversation I had with these badass creative, entrepreneurial women.

My Takeaways from Alt Summit 2019:

1. We’re sick of the bullshit. 

We want authentic women leaders who own their gifts and share them without shame, but also reveal their struggles and real life hurdles too.

2. Magic happens when we lean in to our dreams.

If we create intentions based on what we know we want to do, or feel called to do (even if that’s super vague, like when all I knew I wanted to do was be a speaker and author who inspires people), AND take action (even if that’s minor action like just thinking more about it), magic begins to happen. The universe fucking delivers, people. Now sometimes it delivers amazingness and sometimes it delivers hardship to test your resolve, but things will happen. But either way, it’s better than the comfort zone mediocrity that most of us live in on the day-to-day.

3. Bigger, better things are waiting for you.

If we let go of small thinking, and own #2 above, we accomplish and are given opportunities bigger than we could have even thought possible. Case in point: I set a goal last year to be able to attend this conference, instead I spoke, and attended for free.

4. You have these dreams for a reason. 

I want to shout this from rooftops. You were born to do this (or these) things. Stop wondering. I’m fucking telling you. As someone who is done exactly what she’s meant to do this past week–even though it took me years to get here–I’m telling you that you were born with these heartsongs for a reason. No one on this earth can do what YOU were put here to do. So step into that and you’ll be amazed what happens.

Folks, I wish I could do a Spock mindmeld with you right now and impart the wisdom, power surge, and fulfillment I experienced this week at Alt Summit, but trickling it out in words like this will have to suffice for now.

BTW, these were my two most popular business cards this week (I had 7 different designs):

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