
Understanding the Customer Journey (How to Charge More for Your Work, Pt. 2)

Understanding Your Customers' Journey is part 2 (of 3) of my How to Charge More for Your Work series. (Part 1 is here.) Today, we're going to work on understanding your customer's journey as it relates to finding you and buying your services.…
How to Charge More for Your Work

How To Charge More For Your Work

Do you ever see people who are doing "the same thing" as you, but somehow are living out a much more successful lifestyle? They seem less stressed. They charge more for their services, or products, and sell more of them too. How are they…
Me, teaching at Alt Summit.Andrea Guevara

4 Big Takeaways from Alt Summit 2019

I just got back from nearly a full week in Palm Springs and boy let me tell ya, I feel like a new woman. Or maybe more like the same woman, but more deeply grounded in my mission and power. Whew, it literally sat down this morning and listed…
selling without feeling sleazy

The Magic Mindset to Selling Without Feeling Sleazy

Those words "sales" and "marketing" have often felt icky to me. Marketing definitely has a stigma caused by the incessant, bludgeoning advertising and empty promises that assail our modern lives. And sales? For me it's often had a sleazy,…
How branding helps writers and creatives
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Why Branding is So Important for Writers and Creatives

One of the most common questions I get from writers and creatives is, "how can branding help me?" There are so many ways, but for brevity's sake let's just look at these few. But first, remember that great personal branding is all about knowing…
artist sitting on the street with paintings behind

Make Money from Your Art: The Ethos of the Starving Artist

There's this unspoken longsuffering ethos in the literary world that writers must suffer for their craft, always look at their work as inadequate; and be relentless in their pursuit of the grand art of it all. And the ultimate reward for this…