Starting a new week

It’s been such a nice Easter, I actually had some time to do a little art on eggs. I do not get much time to just do art for art’s sake these days. It’s a very peaceful, mindful practice. I hope you had a lovely holiday.

One thing I am going to be working on this week is going to bed earlier and getting up earlier so I have time to start my days with more mindfulness.

Here’s a nice start of the morning prayer from Marianne Williamson:

Dear God,
I give you this morning.
Please take away
My despair of yesterday.
Help me to forgive the things
That caused me pain
And would keep me bound.
Help me to begin again.
Please bless my path
And illumine my mind.
I surrender to You
The day ahead.
Please bless every person
And situation
I will encounter.
Make me who You would have me be,
That I might do as You would have me do.
Please enter my heart
And remove all anger,
Fear and pain.
Renew my soul
And free my spirit.
Thank you, God,
For this day.