The Life Dream Archive

This is the archive of posts from my original blog “The Life Dream,” that started it all. :) Posts are from 2013-2015.



I have a confession to make, sad but true. I haven't been writing. On April 9th I wrote that I would be scaling back my blog writing to 3 days per week, but writing every day. I have not held my word on this. It's amazing how the discipline…

A change

So I have been thinking... While writing every day has been great for me I feel like I am not writing the quality I would like to. I don't get time to do much more than a first draft usually. I would like to delve in a bit more than that…
1 billion dollars

What if I gave you 1 billion dollars?

This is an interesting exercise that I like to revisit from time to time. I also love to hear how people respond. Here's my question to YOU:  So if I gave you 1 billion dollars, in other words enough money so that you would never need to…
friends and family

Friends & Family

I was able to spend some quality time with friends & family this weekend. It was a nice treat. I, of course, talked their ears off and somehow they still hung out. ;) Sometimes when I am busy (much of the time) I don't get the time carved…

1 month old!

It was one month ago (March 6th) that I started this blog and publicly committed myself to living my dream (& writing here every day)!!  Wow, it's been an interesting journey so far.  There have been moments where it was more challenging…
guerrilla gardening

Guerrilla Gardening

What if you became a guerrilla gardener, but instead of flowers or grass you plant joy, hope and healing? Guerrilla Gardening can be a peaceful protest, a stand for beliefs, and a way to build community.  In urban areas, green-thumbed passionates…


My reason/ excuse is that I worked two jobs today - my reason I'm not writing much tonight. So I am working on trust in a certain area of my life, therefore I thought it apropos to share this quote: “The best way to find out if you can…
checking in

Checking In

Boy I tell ya, I have about a thousand different things fluttering through my head tonight.  It's hard to pick a topic.  This won't be much of a post, but it's something, about all the effort I have at the moment.  Wow, I'm really enticing…
the search for meaning

What does it mean?

Last night I heard a powerful story of vision and passion, a story I am excited to share with you.  At Toastmasters* one of my co-members spoke about the idea of vision, specifically our individual visions for what we wanted to achieve through…
mud n flowers

Tired but true

I'm tired, but these quotes are true. Here are a few simple quotes from Eckhart Tolle tonight as I didn't have the energy to quite finish the post I'm working on. :) Cheers to keep plugging along! “Some changes look negative on the…